Other forms of art of deduction
Other forms of art of deduction

other forms of art of deduction

They actually have someone build them paddles to specification, as smaller ones do not have the same effect. They use large, up to 2 foot long paddles, as thick as ¾” made out of heavy wood. There is no high school in the Southern states in which they use a small ping pong type paddle. This is also why all school paddles look quite similar, as we have figured out what really works. People have learned through design changes over time, what hurts the most.


There is a reason that they are large, wide, heavy, and often drilled full of holes. There is nothing else you can do with a paddle expect spank. A paddle is not like a belt, or even a hairbrush, that people adapted over time to use for discipline. It sure as hell better hurt more than a tattoo. This right here should tell us a little something about the severity in which a paddle needs to be used. They will sit for hours while someone brings pain to their bodies and them come back for more. But here they are, not only volunteering for such an experience, but paying for it. Do you know how much that hurts, I would guess quite a bit. Gone are the days of cute little heart tattoos, now they are getting full sleeves done. Hell, it seems half of the girls out there, once they turn 18, go and get tattoos. We are talking about teenage girls, who are more than capable of adapting to a little pain. Without generous amounts of pain being applied to a young lady’s behind, she will not worry too much about getting it again.

other forms of art of deduction

It is supposed to be used to punish them for the behavior that they engaged in, and to serve as a deterrent against future bad behavior. But if a student is paddled with it, and they do not fear getting it again, then it was all just a waste of time. A paddle, when in the right hands and used effectively, is a powerful tool for student discipline. Schools are filled with rulers and yardsticks, but they are not used in the high school environment for corporal punishment because they are not all that effective. It is a tool, that was specifically designed and crafted, for one reason, and one reason only…to cause pain. The entire reason a paddle is used in the school environment, as a means for punishment, is because it is more effective than a hand spanking. Spanking has been used for centuries because it actually achieves very real results, but in no case does it work, if it only hurts a little.

other forms of art of deduction

Any administrator that is charged with the discipline at a school, is not doing anyone any favors, by paddling in a gentle to moderate manner. There is only one way for corporal punishment to work, it must actually hurt.

Other forms of art of deduction